Characterization and antifungal properties against wood decaying fungi of hydrothermal liquefaction liquids from spent mushroom substrate and tomato residues.
An environmental assessment of Agaricus bisporus ((J.E.Lange) Imbach) mushroom production systems across Europe
Influence of Season and Organic Amendment on the Effectiveness of Different Biosolarization Treatments against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae
Physiological basis to assess barley response to optimized regulated deficit irrigation for limited volumes of water (ORDIL)
Evaluación de producción y balance económico de diferentes dosis de siembre en cebada
Sunflower seed husk as promising by-product for soil biodisinfestation treatments and fertility improvement in protected lettuce crop.
Biodisinfestation with agricultural by-products developed long-term suppressive soils against Meloidogyne incognita in lettuce crop
Functional response of garlic to optimized regulated deficit irrigation (ORDI) across crop stages and years: Is physiological performance impaired at the most sensitive stages to water deficit?.
Respuesta de distintas variedades de ajo a la disponibilidad de agua.
Avance de resultados de ensayos de cultivos extensivos en el Centro de Investigación Apícola y Agroambiental de Marchamalo, CIAPA-IRIAF